How to be the PERFECT student - study tips and hacks to get 95% marks

The video "how to be the PERFECT student" aims to guide viewers on achieving academic excellence with practical study tips, discipline techniques, routines, and productivity hacks that can potentially lead to high marks, up to 95%.

If I Started a YouTube Channel in 2024, I'd Do This

In today's digital age, YouTube has become more than just a platform for sharing videos—it's a global stage where individuals can showcase their creativity, share knowledge, and build communities around shared interests. If I were to start my own YouTube channel in 2024, I've got a clear vision of what I'd like to bring to the table.

Claude Sonnet is WAY better than GPT4o - Full Blog Post Comparison

Without specific information about Claude Sonnet's background or contributions, a detailed comparison remains speculative. However, such comparisons can highlight technological advancements versus individual achievements in the realm of AI, language processing, or related fields.

SPACE And TIME Don't Actually Exist | Here's Why Scientists Reveal

In the realms of physics and cosmology, the fundamental concepts of space and time have long been pillars upon which our understanding of the universe rests. However, recent scientific theories and discoveries suggest a profound and startling possibility: that space and time as we perceive them may not actually exist.

Embarking Beyond Earth | The Future of Space Tourism and Exploration

Space tourism and exploration are no longer the realm of science fiction but a burgeoning reality, promising to revolutionize our understanding of the universe and redefine our relationship with space.

Beyond the Stars | Unraveling the Mysteries of Deep Space Exploration

As humanity ventures boldly into the unknown, the quest for knowledge and understanding continues to drive deep space exploration to unravel it's mysteries and so on.